Japanese Buying Service【Brief Description】Superb Old AgarwoodWidth 10cmDepth 5cmHeight 14cmWeight 365g When burning chips of the agarwood with the incense burner a delightful blend of sweet and sour notes diffuses in perfect balance and as the sweetness gradually intensifies it develops into a rich fragrance dominated by sweetness that continues until the charcoal incense ball burns out completely. A first-class fragrance. Unlike the artificially cultivated agarwood in recent years the agarwoods offered herein are natural agarwoods that were fully resinified. The sap which was oozed when the perfume tree was naturally damaged got solidified over many years so its mass also increased and therefore each agarwood quality became relatively hard. The fragrances of the agarwoods provided herein are though respectively different pure in terms of sense of smell. Note that you may feel that the close-up images of oily regions of the agarwood appear to be slightly different due to the photographic illumination from those captured under the natural sunlight. 【商品説明】極上老木沈香寬度 10cm 深度 5cm 高度 14cm重量 365g簡体中文点燃香木屑,甜味与酸味完美平衡的妙香始散,随着甜味逐增,展成一以甜味主的郁香气,直到香炭球完全燃尽都能持。是一款一流的香气。本文提供的沈香木的香料然分不同,但是在嗅方面是的。 注意,由于影照明,可能会感到香的油性区域的特写像与在自然光下拍的像略有不同。个没的香木都配有没在水中的香木的照片。本文所提供的香木的香料雖然分別不同,但是在嗅覺方面是純淨的。 請注意,由於攝影照明,可能會感到香的油性區域的特寫圖像與在自然陽光下拍攝的圖像略有不同。個沒的香都配有沒在水中的香照片。