商品情報【内容】★ 送料無料 ★新品未開封品 ★Prince プリンス /Chameleon 1-10 (10CD Box)【限定盤】新品未開封品です。パッケージに初傷等ある場合がございます。神経質な方はご遠慮下さい。また、万が一本体に不備があった場合は直接メーカーにお問い合わせください。在庫品。【内 容】プリンスの未発表デモ、アウトテイク、スタジオセッション、別ヴァージョンなど、膨大なアーカイヴから掘り起こされた貴重音源をまとめたコレクターズアイテム「Chameleon」シリーズ。その全10タイトル分の収録トラックをまとめたCD10枚組ボックスセットが登場。先ごろ発売された未発表アルバム『Welcome 2 America』や 2019年の『Originals』、または2013年にライヴストリーミング放送された「3rdEye TV」などで公式に陽の目を見た一部楽曲を含むものの、「Lust U Always」「Others Here With Us」「The Voice」「Screams Of Passion」「Sticky Wicked」「Red Scarlett」「Yo Mister」「The Line」「Lust」「Cool Love」「Playtime」「Me Touch Myself」「I Wonder」「51 Hours」といったコアファンにはおなじみの完全未発表曲を多数収録。さらには、「Cream (Straight Pass 12)」、「7」のマーリー・マールによるヒップホップミックス、「Housequake」のレイザーメイドミックス、「Vicki Waiting」のエクステンデッドリミックスなどのメガレアミックス、「She's Always In My Hair」「Glam Slam」「Eye No」「Soul Sanctuary」「Anna Stesia」のデモマテリアルといった、こちらもコレクター垂涎のレアリティもしっかりとフォロー。カタログNoLC0696。商品サイズW19cm×H27cm×D6cm。CD101. Same Page Different Book02. Da Bourgeoisie03. Ain't Gonna Miss U When U're Gone04. Boyfriend05. If Eye Could Get Ur Attention06. What If07. Free Urself08. Ruff Enuff09. Paisley Park Rehearsal10. Way Back Home (Extended Version)11. Menstrual Cycle12. Clouds (Mr. Nelson Suite)CD201. Thunder (Extended Mix)02. Come (Alternative Dance Mix)03. Yeah Yah Know04. The Voice05. Come Home06. Flesh And Blood07. 4 All The Purple People08. Me Touch Myself09. 5 Women (Remix)10. Well Done11. I Wonder12. Uh Huh13. Heart Of Stone14. So Dark (Full Length Remix)15. 101CD301. Play02. Don't Let Him Fool Ya03. Good Man04. Lust U Always (Full Prince Vocal)05. Batdance (John Luongo Mix)06. The Exodus Has Begun07. Feel Good Feel Better (Extended Mix)08. Rich Friends (Dr. Fink Remix)09. Hot Wit U (Dance Mix)10. Musicology (Extended Version)11. Maria-Word-Prince VS. Santana12. Love (Never Has 2 Say Goodbye)CD401. Controversy (Extended Mix)02. All My Dreams03. Crucial04. Martika's Kitchen05. Gangster Glam (Gangster Groove)06. 7 (DrumsVocal Mix)07. Work That Fat08. However Much U Want09. I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man (Alternate Mix)10. The P11. Face Down (Dirty Dog Mix)12. 1+1+1=3 (Remix)13. Black Sweat (Unreleased Mix)CD501. Vicki Waiting (Extended Remix)02. Playtime03. Red Scarlett04. Sticky Wicked05. Yo Mister06. Pain07. The Line08. A Million Miles (I Love U)09. Come (Straight Mix)10. Music 4 Bruno11. Frida Kahlo12. Rumeta13. Revelation (Studio Live)CD601. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Remix)02. My Name Is Prince (Club Mix)03. Pope (Extended Mix)04. Pussy Control (Extended Mix)05. Housequake (Razormaid Mix)06. Starfish / Coffee (Alternate Mix)07. Alphabet Street (Remix)08. Escape (Free Yo Mind)09. 17 Days (Extended Version)10. Purple Rain (Long Mix)CD701. Poem02. Anna Stesia (Demo)03. Spirit04. Mind Bells05. Don_t Love U Me06. Open Book07. I HearUre Voice08. Calhoun Square09. Living 2 Die (Our Lives)10. Soul Sanctuary (Demo)11. High Fashion12. Mutiny13. Feline14. Cool Love15. Prince Rave MixCD801. Roadhouse Garden02. Roadhouse Garden (Alt. Version)03. Eternity04. Screams Of Passion05. Around The World In A Day (Demo)06. Shhh (Demo)07. Lust08. She's Always In My Hair (Demo)09. Cream (Straight Pass 12)10. Get Blue11. Positivity (Demo)12. 51 Hours13. A Million Miles14. Nothing Compares 2 U15. Others Here With Us16. Cosmic Day17. Eye No (Demo)18. Glam Slam (Demo)CD901. I Wanna Be Your Lover (Dimitri From Paris Mix)02. Superconductor (Reloades)03. Love… Thy Will Be Done (NPG New Version)04. My Name Is Prince (Unreleased House Mix)05. I'm The DJ (New Version)06. Bob George (House Mix)07. Electric Intercourse (Demo No. 2)08. Let's Go Crazy (Instrumental)09. Love (Andy's Mix)10. My Name Is Prince (Unreleased Hardcore Mix)11. When U Were Mine (Unreleased Extended Mix)12. Lady Cab Driver (Bro Jules Mix)13. FunkNRoll (Bro Jules Mix)CD1001. Anna Stasia (Unreleased Studio Version)02. Stratus (Drfunkenberry.Com 2010 LIVE)03. Nothing Compares 2 U (Cinematic Mix)04. Jam Of The Year (NYC)05. Face Down (NYC)06. Love Theme (From “Purple Rain”)07. 7 (Marley Marl Hip Hop Mix)08. 17 Days (Zach Witness Mix)09. Chelsea Rogers (Extended Remix)10. Controversy Discotron Mix)11. Dangster Glam (Gangster Groove Mix)12. Partyman (Remix)13. Beck (The Paisley Experience)