If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.If you are looking for a new or used product please do not hesitate to contact us.If you have any questions please contact us.If you have any concerns please contact us before you bid.その他【ブランド・宝飾品につきまして】古物商許可証所有者のみが登録できるオークションやブランド・アパレル市場より仕入れております。鑑定済みの正規品を仕入れております。万が一模造品の場合は返品対応いたしますのでご安心ください。(その際は真贋を証明する書類の提出をお願いします。)------------------------------------------------------------------------------We purchase from auctions and brand/apparel markets where only owners of antique dealer permits can register.We purchase from auctions and brand-name apparel markets where only owners of antique dealer permits can register.We purchase only authentic products that have been appraised.If the item is a counterfeit please rest assured that we will return it to you.(In that case please submit the documents to prove the authenticity.)