Please keep the designated time frame for notification of receipt and arrival of the package. The seller will not take into account internal rules such as company holidays or the time required to confirm the opening of the package.However if there are behavioral restrictions such as due to infection control this will be taken into consideration. In this case please be sure to reply on the message board in either Japanese.Detailed explanation on this issueYou must click to let us know that you have received the item when you receive it. In my experience so far this rule is followed 100% among Japanese bitters. However 20% of foreigners were failed to do so.Even if the successful bidder fails to make this contact the winning bid will be transferred to the seller within a set period of time as you know well. The timing of this transfer is not a problem for me at all. However your failure to notify me of receipt creates extra work for the yahoo office. This is very distressing and I cannot stand it.落札価格により、配送方法変更の可能性がございます。現時点では「レターパックプラス」を考えています。よろしくお願いします。入札をご検討の方は一度自己紹介ページをお読みください。※入札なき場合、終了日時を待たずに取り消すことがあります。ご了承ください。※以前転売をされ、その際に当方の個人情報の一部を掲載された経験があります。転売目的での入札参加はご遠慮いただきたく存じます。