☆SNAP-ON 新品☆SNAP-ONが販売するUSA カーショー☆USA Kershaw Multi-Tool(A100C)☆ナイフ(半波)、金属のこぎり、金属ヤスリ、缶切り(栓抜き)、プラス&マイナスドライバー、プライヤー☆プライヤーはバイス付のロッキング機能!(挟んだまま“しっかり固定”できます)☆プラス#2、マイナスドライバー、ボトルオープナー付☆ハンドル:A420ステンレス☆ブレード:440Aステンレス☆サイズ:約全長171mm、刃渡り76mm、重量244g☆ハンドル材質:ステンレス☆付属:専用布製ケース付☆完成度の高いクォリティーはアメリカ海軍特殊部隊SEALに正式採用されています。☆スナップオン800カタログ:289ページ掲載品(SNAP-ONのロゴは入っておりません)Kershaw Multi-Tool Model # A100The A100 broke new ground in the world of multitools when it was introduced in 1997. Available a full two years before the Leatherman Crunch it was the first multitool to feature locking plier jaws. Also groundbreaking at the time was its one-hand-opening liner locking knife blade. Jaws・Jaw shape is needlenose with fine serrations a gripping area and a large wire cutter. (No hard wire notch is included)・Finish is bead blast matte stainless.・The upper jaw has a V-notch running lengthwise to easier grip fish hooks and such.・Jaws are spring loaded.Handles/Frame・Handles are sheet metal bent into complex shapes.・The lower handle is a channel shape containing four crossbolts to facilitate the locking mechanism.・The upper handle is bent into an S-shape with the lock adjustment in one channel and the outside opening knife blade in the other.・Finish is bead blast matte stainless.・KERSHAW MULTI-TOOL USA is stamped onto one side. KAI PAT. PENDING is stamped onto the other.・An inch scale is stamped along one edge of the bottom side. A metric scale runs along the opposite edge.・Pivot screws are an odd mix of hex heads and knurled heads. (although photos of tools with hex socket round head screws have been noted)Blades and Tools・Drop point knife blade with half serrated edge. Measures 2-3/4" long (70mm)・Features a thumb stud for one-hand-opening・Phillips screwdriver・Can opener・Two-sided file blade with single cut and double cut teeth・Fine tooth metal cutting saw blade・Medium flathead screwdriverLocking Mechanism・The knife blade locks open via a standard liner lock.Other Features・When not in use the handles are held closed by a latch that rotates into place along one side.・A bump and detent prevent the latch from swinging freely when it is disengaged.・An assist lever helps to unlock the jaws when gripping something tightly.Sheath・Standard sheath was a woven cordura nylon affair with velcro closure. Belt loop allowed vertical carry only.・Also available was a form fitted leather sheath with open top.DimensionsLength = 6-3/4" (171mm)Width = 1-1/4" (32mm)Thickness = 5/8" (16mm)Weight = 8.6 oz (244g)Made in the U.S.A☆6連発カッター(大)、5連発カッター(小)、万能カッター、細工用カッター/ナイフ/ハサミ・はさみ/マルチツール/KERSHAW(カーショー)/LEATHERMAN(レザーマン)/VICTORINOX(ヴィクトリノックス)☆☆≪SNAP-ON ロゴステッカー/ロゴデカール≫☆☆≪SNAP-ON ロゴプレート/ロゴエンブレム≫☆≪ほかにも出品しています!宜しければご覧ください≫■画像表示■■タイトル&画像表示■