The strawberry-like scent hidden in the soft and gorgeous scent is brought about by the wine barrel aged malt raw liquor and the sweet and sparkling smooth spread is created by the addition of the Mizunara barrel aged malt raw liquor.白州蒸溜所が持つ多彩な原酒の中から、ブレンダーたちが理想のモルトを選び抜き、生まれたシングルモルトウイスキーです。森の若葉のようにみずみずしく、ほのかにスモーキーフレーバーを備えたモルトと、複雑さと奥行きを与える原酒が重なりあって生まれた、個性をお愉しみください。This single malt whiskey was created by blenders selecting the ideal malt from the various raw sakes of the Hakushu Distillery. Enjoy the individuality created by the combination of malt which is as fresh as the young leaves of a forest and has a faint smoky flavor and raw sake which gives complexity and depth.テイスティングノート■山崎色:赤みがかった明るい琥珀色香り:苺、さくらんぼ味:蜂蜜、なめらかな口あたり、広がりを感じる甘みフィニッシュ甘いバニラ、シナモン、綺麗で心地よい余韻Color: Reddish bright amber Nose: Strawberry cherry Taste: Honey smooth mouthfeel sweetness that feels spacious Finish Sweet vanilla cinnamon beautiful and pleasant finish ■白州色 : 明るい黄金色香り : すだち、ミント味 : 軽快で爽やかな口あたり、ほのかな酸味を感じるすっきりさフィニッシュ : かすかなスモーキー、ほのかな甘み、すっきりとしたキレColor: Bright golden color Nose: Sudachi Mint Taste: Light and refreshing mouthfeel refreshing with a slight acidity Finish: Faint smoky subtle sweetness clean sharpness 送付方法 / shipping methodおてがる配送宅急便YAMATO "OTEGARU" delivery支払方法 / paying methodYahoo!かんたん決済(詳細)Yahoo!Easy Purchasing(詳細)その他 / Notes・全て新品未開封品です・箱やラベルなど、コンディションは写真の通りです、完璧を求められる場合はご期待に添えない場合がございます・丁寧に梱包し発送します・アルコール飲料のため未成年者の方は入札しないでください・領収書は発行できません・コレクション整理の為、出品させて頂きました・All new and unopened items・The condition such as the box and label are as shown in the photo. If you are looking for perfection we may not be able to meet your expectations.・We will carefully pack and ship・Because it is an alcoholic beverage minors should not bid.・Receipts cannot be issued・I will give it to you for the purpose of optimisation the collection.