★【中古】2台セット NEC UNIVERGE IX2105 最新ファーム(10.2.40) VPN対応高速アクセスルーター 初期化

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Processor board ID IX2105 (MPC8314E) processor with 131072K bytes of memory.2 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces512K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router(config)# show hardwareIX Series IX2105 Hardware PlatformS/N: 39********Processor board: Processor board ID CPU/DDR2/CSB/LBUS clock frequencies are 396/264/132/16.5 MHz MPC8314E processor (revision 0x0012) 131072K bytes of main memory 512K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory 16384K bytes of processor flash memoryIPsec accelerator: on board security engine(SEC3.3) revision 0x303Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet0: GigaEthernet Transceiver is 88E6171ROnboard interface unit GigaEthernet1: GigaEthernet Switch with Transceivers is 88E6171RLED information: PWR: On ALM: Off BSY: Off VPN: Off PPP: Off BAK: OffRouter(config)# show environmentSystem hardware information: Line voltage: 1.0 volt line measured at 0.9870V Status is normal 1.8 volt line measured at 1.7766V Status is normal 2.5 volt line measured at 2.4440V Status is normal 3.3 volt line measured at 3.2336V Status is normal 5.0 volt line measured at 4.9400V Status is normal Internal temperature: Internal temperature measured at 34.0C Status is normalRouter(config)# show flashCodes: M - Main-side B - Backup-side N - Newfile R - Runnable A - Active-file + - Next-boot * - Bootmode-entryLength Name Status5007666 ix2105-ms-9.2.20.ldc B6545515 ix2105-ms-10.2.40.ldc MA[11657576 bytes used 2488586 available 14146162 total]13824 Kbytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)--------------------------------------------------------------------------Router(config)# show verNEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareIX Series IX2105 (magellan-sec) Software Version 10.2.40 RELEASE SOFTWARECompiled May 17-Tue-2022 15:30:41 JST #2 by sw-build coregen-10.2(40)ROM: System Bootstrap Version 19.1System Diagnostic Version 19.1Initialization Program Version 5.1System uptime is 0 minuteSystem woke up by reload caused by command executionSystem started at Jun 25-Sat-2022 09:16:40 JSTSystem image file is "ix2105-ms-10.2.40.ldc"Processor board ID IX2105 (MPC8314E) processor with 131072K bytes of memory.2 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces512K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router(config)# show hardwareIX Series IX2105 Hardware PlatformS/N: 38********Processor board: Processor board ID CPU/DDR2/CSB/LBUS clock frequencies are 396/264/132/16.5 MHz MPC8314E processor (revision 0x0012) 131072K bytes of main memory 512K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory 16384K bytes of processor flash memoryIPsec accelerator: on board security engine(SEC3.3) revision 0x303Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet0: GigaEthernet Transceiver is 88E6171ROnboard interface unit GigaEthernet1: GigaEthernet Switch with Transceivers is 88E6171RLED information: PWR: On ALM: Off BSY: Off VPN: Off PPP: Off BAK: OffRouter(config)# show environmentSystem hardware information: Line voltage: 1.0 volt line measured at 0.9870V Status is normal 1.8 volt line measured at 1.7766V Status is normal 2.5 volt line measured at 2.4440V Status is normal 3.3 volt line measured at 3.2336V Status is normal 5.0 volt line measured at 4.9920V Status is normal Internal temperature: Internal temperature measured at 34.0C Status is normalRouter(config)# show flashCodes: M - Main-side B - Backup-side N - Newfile R - Runnable A - Active-file + - Next-boot * - Bootmode-entryLength Name Status4283469 ix2105-ms-8.9.17.ldc B6545515 ix2105-ms-10.2.40.ldc MA[10871672 bytes used 3274490 available 14146162 total]13824 Kbytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)ご検討よろしくお願い致します。

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